Your trusted Solar Panel Installation Company in the Tri-state

Residential Solar Panel Installation Company New Jersey
  • Our in-house design team will look at several factors to estimate the cost of your system. Below are some of the factors which affect the design and production of your solar system

  • The amount of electricity you use daily will determine the size of the solar system we recommend. The average electricity bill in NY/NJ area is $260 per month.

  • The type and age of your roof will inform if additional roof work is needed before the solar panels are installed. The larger the space on your roof, the more panels that can be installed which will in turn generate more electricity. Lastly, a south-facing roof will require fewer panels to generate the same amount of energy.

  • A higher wattage panel will produce more energy because it’s more efficient. Solar panels start at 300 all the way to 425 watts.

  • Shade from nearby trees, houses or tall buildings affects the amount of sunlight reaching your roof in turn impacting the amount of electricity your panels produce. The more area of your roof that is shaded the more panels you’ll need to produce enough electricity.

residential solar power installation New Jersey

Steps to going solar

  • Our expert provides a customized proposal based on your home electricity needs, federal solar tax credit, and applicable local rebates.

  • Our technician reviews shading, roof condition, and electrical service compatibility to determine the final system layout to maximize your solar savings.

  • Our dedicated engineering team prepares solar construction plans to be submitted for applicable permits, incentives, and utility interconnection applications.

  • We apply for relevant permits such as electrical and building permits as per the Authority having jurisdiction (AHJS) requirements.

  • The big day! Installation of solar panels and supporting systems by our highly qualified and experienced installers.

  • Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) inspects the installation to affirm that it was installed as per code. Thereafter they issue permission for the system to be interconnected with the grid.

  • Technician turns on the system and performs a walkthrough including how to monitor your system online. The Hifadhi team monitors your system for optimal performance and provides maintenance if need be.

Learn more about solar rebates

Get your 30% federal tax credit for going solar

Residential Solar Panel Installation Company New Jersey
  • Electricity prices have increased 16% in the last year, mainly due to high-priced natural gas.

    Natural gas is used to generate nearly 40% of power in the US.

    Rising temperatures will only ensure electricity bills keep going up ad nauseam.

    Solar energy eliminates this uncertainty .

    Plus get your initial investment back through federal, state, and local rebate programs!

  • Solar energy plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change according to studies conducted.

    It can also improve air quality and reduce water use from energy production.

  • Research shows that outages in the past 10 years had increased by 64% compared with the previous decade in the US.

    An old energy infrastructure combined with increased demand for electricity and increased frequency of severe weather means your energy needs may not be met by our existing system when you need it the most.

    Solar energy allows you to work with the grid system and benefit through net metering and meet your energy needs when there’s a power outage – the best of both worlds!

  • Solar is a leading technology, and it’s only getting better, more efficient, and more cost-effective.

    The cost of installing solar has dropped more than 60% in the last decade.

    The federal 30% tax credit and additional state and local incentives mean you can decrease your energy costs immediately while also controlling your energy use through your phone!

  • Studies have shown that homes with solar paneled roofs sell for a higher price than those without.

    Because solar is the future, buyers are willing to pay a higher price for energy independence.

    You can spend less on solar, through the 30% federal tax credit and additional state and local incentives and sell your house at a higher price!

Solar Benefits